What a Relief

So, some of you may have got caught up in that fiasco, when I thought I had lost my blog forever. What happened was, when I was looking for a theme for my new blog, I inadvertently sent the new theme to my original blog, which really destroyed my original blog, and I wasn’t, at all, sure that I could recover it.

Anyway, with the help of a number of people on the WordPress.com forum, I was able to retrieve my blog, and so everything is back to normal now. After all that, I was kind of afraid to continue working on my new blog, but I then realized that the mistake was not the fault of my feeble old mind. What caused the mistake was that, anytime I changed pages on the new blog I was creating, for some reason, it would automatically switch back to my original blog. So, when I applied the new theme for the new blog, I didn’t notice that the url had changed back to my original blog. I’ll have to keep an eye on that, now that I will be using this new blog. There might be a way to make the new blog my ‘primary’ blog, so that this doesn’t happen again. I’ll have to look into that.

Okay, so I now have the url for my new blog, and I will post it here.  Like I said, this is just a blank slate at the moment, and it looks very bare. This is the way all blogs start, even when there is a theme installed. It will take lots of time, and effort, to make this my new home but, until then, I will be posting on it, so there will not be lots of down time. However, you will notice things changing, every time you visit, so you will just have to bear with me, while I get this new blog the way that I want it.

As I mentioned before, I will be putting the link back to this blog up on my new blog too, so that visitors there have easy access to this blog. Seems like a good working solution, so that I don’t have to purchase more storage space on my original blog. Everything is all sorted out now, it’s just a matter of tons of work to get the new blog to where I want it.

Go To My New Blog


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